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Uncertain where to begin with a Sanalife and E360 solution for your business, school, or facility? We are here to help.

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Sales And Inquiries

For general sales, service, and product inquiries please use the following contact information.

Phone: 1-877-781-1667Email:
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Press And Media

For press, media, or company information inquiries please use the following contact information.

Attn: Danielle WasemPhone: 1-617-865-2655Email:
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Software Support

For support with E360 software or IT infrastructure please use the following contact information.

Phone: 1-617-865-2642Email:
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Product Support

For air purifier support, servicing, and replacement filters and parts please use the following contact information.

Phone: 1-617-865-2642Email:
Sanalife E360 Platform

Take Control of Your Indoor Air Quality, Operating Costs, And Energy Usage With Sanalife's E360

Explore las soluciones E360
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Sanalife es su fuente de información

Espacios saludables y lugares sostenibles

Nuestra misión es educar y concienciar sobre la importancia de la calidad del aire interior y la sostenibilidad, y sobre el gran impacto que pueden tener los pequeños cambios en el estilo de vida sobre el medio ambiente que nos rodea.

Nos dedicamos a proporcionar soluciones avanzadas de gestión energética y calidad del aire interior a escuelas, empresas y organizaciones de todo Estados Unidos.

©2024 InTech Energy, Inc. DBA Sanalife and E360. All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.