Calidad del aire interior

¿Qué son los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV)?

Learn about common VOC sources, their effects on health and the environment, and methods for reducing indoor airborne VOC levels.

12 de octubre de 2022
Última actualización el:
March 6, 2023
Última actualización el:
March 6, 2023

If you've ever walked into a freshly painted room and thought, "Yikes, that smell is overwhelming. Breathing in these chemicals can't be good for me," you're right. Volatile Organic Compounds, also known as VOCs, are chemical compounds with high vapor pressure and low water solubility. They evaporate quickly at room temperature and are easily absorbed into our bodies through inhalation or contact with the skin or eyes. 

Many VOCs are man-made chemicals used in everyday items, including paints, adhesives, cleaning supplies, and cosmetics. Often most people don't even realize they are being exposed to these compounds, but it's essential to be aware of the harm they can cause. This article will discuss common VOC sources, their effects on health and the environment, and strategies for reducing indoor airborne VOC levels.

¿Qué sabe sobre los COV?

Fuentes habituales de COV en edificios comerciales y escolares

Los compuestos orgánicos volátiles pueden proceder de numerosas fuentes diferentes, como:

Materiales de construcción

Muchos materiales utilizados para construir un edificio emiten COV, como pinturas, barnices, selladores, masillas y adhesivos. Incluso algunos tipos de suelos, alfombras o determinados productos de madera liberan COV al aire.

Productos de limpieza

Los productos de limpieza son también una fuente importante de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en cualquier entorno comercial y escolar. Según un estudio de 2003 de la Junta de Recursos Atmosféricos de California, sólo los productos de limpieza representan 7,4 toneladas de COV liberados diariamente. (Sólo podemos suponer que esta cifra es mucho mayor ahora en 2022).

Material de oficina

Otra fuente común de COV en edificios comerciales y escolares son los equipos de oficina. Las fotocopiadoras y las impresoras son los principales culpables, pero estos compuestos peligrosos también pueden ser emitidos por el líquido corrector, el papel de copia e incluso pequeños suministros de oficina como pegamento, rotuladores permanentes y marcadores de pizarra blanca.

Copiadora de oficina que genera COV

What Are Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs)?

Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) are a collective measure of all the individual volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the air. As such, TVOCs represent the overall concentration of VOCs in a given environment, typically measured in parts per billion (ppb) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) using an air quality monitor capable of detecting VOCs.

It is worth noting, however, that the composition of TVOCs needs to be consistently defined across measurement standards, with variations in the types of VOCs included and the weighting assigned to each contributing VOC. The World Health Organization and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have provided widely used TVOC composition standards.

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What Are The Health Risks of Volatile Organic Compounds?

Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can present various health risks, from short-term symptoms to long-term adverse health effects. The severity of these health effects depends on factors such as the level and duration of exposure. Immediate symptoms can include respiratory and visual disorders, headaches, and dizziness. However, the health effects of low-level exposure to VOCs in commercial indoor environments have yet to be entirely understood.

The most hazardous form of exposure to VOCs is inhalation because these chemicals can pass through the lung membrane and enter the bloodstream. Ingesting these harmful compounds can result in eye, nose, and throat irritation, shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue, nausea, skin irritation, and dizziness. In higher concentrations, VOCs can even cause long-term damage to the lungs, liver, kidney, or central nervous system.

Volatile Organic Compounds have been associated with mood disorders such as fatigue, irritability, and depression. They have also been linked to neurotoxic issues such as tremors and diminished motor control. Over the long term, continuous exposure to VOCs has even been associated with cancer. Sensitivity to VOCs may also vary between individuals. For example, people with respiratory problems, such as asthma, are more likely to be irritated by these chemicals. Additionally, young children and the elderly are more at risk.

Efectos de los COV en la calidad del aire a escala mundial

What Are The Environmental Impacts of VOCs?

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) not only affect human health in indoor environments but also significantly impact our ecosystems. When released into the atmosphere by vehicles, power plants, and other industrial sources, they react with sunlight and nitrogen oxides to form ground-level ozone, a primary component of smog. This smog reduces visibility and air quality, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues.

Moreover, VOCs can harm plants and other living organisms in the ecosystem. They can trigger plant diseases, reduce seed production, and hinder fertilization, thus threatening crop yields and the survival of various species. Methane, a greenhouse gas, is also released in conjunction with VOCs. Methane traps heat within the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and increasing global temperature.

In addition to damaging the environment, VOCs can also have economic consequences. Poor air quality due to VOC emissions can result in lost productivity, higher healthcare costs, and reduced property values. In some cases, regulatory agencies may also impose fines on companies that exceed VOC emission limits.

Therefore, it is essential to understand VOC emissions' potential impact on human health and the environment. Reducing VOC emissions can positively impact the ecosystem, the economy, and public health. By adopting sustainable practices and using environmentally-friendly products; we can reduce the negative impact of VOCs and promote a healthier and more sustainable world.

Métodos habituales de creación de COV en el aire

What Standards or Guidelines Exist For VOCs Indoors?

There is currently no regulatory standard for indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) levels in commercial indoor environments. However, the WELL Building Institute created "Air" parameters utilizing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) set by the EPA and air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO), ASHRAE, and the LEED program. The WELL Institute's "Air" parameters evaluate 29 criteria, including VOC reduction, ventilation effectiveness, air filtration, and smoking prohibition.

Cómo reducir los COV y mejorar la calidad del aire interior

Hay muchas formas de reducir la exposición a los COV.

Compruebe periódicamente la calidad del aire

La concienciación sobre los COV ha aumentado en los últimos años, pero sigue habiendo muchas ideas equivocadas al respecto. Por ejemplo, muchas personas creen que si no hay mal olor en el aire, el ambiente está libre de COV. Sin embargo, muchos COV no tienen olor y no pueden detectarse de este modo. Por eso es tan importante analizar la calidad del aire.

Mejorar la ventilación

Asegúrese de que su edificio tiene una ventilación adecuada. Esto es especialmente importante en laboratorios, espacios de trabajo, estudios de arte o cualquier sala en la que se vaya a utilizar una gran cantidad de productos que puedan contener COV.

Ambientador en aerosol que genera COV

Evite los productos en aerosol

Evite utilizar productos de consumo en aerosol, como ambientadores, insecticidas, etc. Estos productos suelen utilizar COV como propelentes. También puedes animar a los alumnos a hacer lo mismo. Por ejemplo, pídeles que lleven a clase de gimnasia desodorante en roll-on en lugar de los que vienen en aerosol.

Utilice productos con bajo contenido en COV

Al elegir pinturas, adhesivos, tintes y otros materiales, asegúrate de optar por la opción de "bajo COV". Por ejemplo, puedes utilizar pinturas al agua en lugar de opciones con disolventes y aplicarlas con brochas de mano y rodillos en lugar de pulverizadores. Lee los ingredientes de todos los productos, y no te dejes engañar por los llamados productos "ecológicos": pueden tener tantos COV como los demás.

Filtro de aire de carbón activado para eliminar COV

Implement Traditional And Emerging Indoor Air Quality Technologies

One of the best ways to reduce airborne VOC concentrations is by strategically implementing indoor air quality technologies. If you are considering traditional air purification methods, Activated Carbon filters have always been a "tried and true" method for reducing VOCs. Activated carbon is an adsorbent media filter using granular activated carbon (GAC) or fiber-bonded carbon. This type of filter is designed to remove specific pollutants, including organic chemicals from water, gaseous particles, and VOCs from the air.

However, emerging air quality technologies offer the most cost-effective solutions in large-scale commercial facilities. Technologies like ActivePure are specifically designed to reduce airborne pollutants, including VOCs, in high-density indoor environments. ActivePure Technology relies on the natural chemistry of air to reduce airborne pathogens and contaminants while continuously improving indoor air quality.

If you aim to reduce VOC concentrations in your commercial or school buildings, incorporating traditional and emerging indoor air quality technologies can provide occupants with a safe and healthy environment. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards better indoor air quality.


Want To Learn More About Volatile Organic Compounds?

Download our overview of volatile organic compounds to learn more about VOCs and impact on indoor air quality and building occupant health.

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Want To Learn More About Volatile Organic Compounds?

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Want To Learn More About Volatile Organic Compounds?

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Want To Learn More About Volatile Organic Compounds?

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Want To Learn More About Volatile Organic Compounds?

Download our overview of volatile organic compounds to learn more about VOCs and impact on indoor air quality and building occupant health.

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